Friday during the day was very low-key for us. I slept in while John went to the gym, as usual. (You know, I actually brought my gym bag with me this time, fully intending to work out at least once. Who was I kidding?? That gym bag sat in the corner untouched the entire four days.) After he got me up and we showered, we headed down to lunch at Cafe Siena. En route, we found Ten, Alex and a few others going to Friday's; they invited us to join them, but we decided to decline. I knew that tonight's dinner would be pizza, so I wanted to have a properly healthy lunch (and Friday's is not known for healthy fare). After lunch, we went back to our room and slept most of the afternoon.
Joe and Ten had moved to the Presidential Suite, which is huge, and by Friday night things were rocking in there. My first scene of the evening was with Richard Windsor; he and I had planned to play, since we'd never had a proper scene before, just a couple of playful spankings for video promos. Cali and H had brought their spanko fortune cookies and were passing them out, and my fortune read, "Six of the best with the cane." Who better than a Brit, right? So I handed my slip to Rich, asking for a warm-up spanking first and then the cane strokes. He happily complied.
After that, I bent over the couch for the cane. Of course, my beloved John was giving commentary the whole time, and after the six were done, he called out, "You know, Rich, seven is her lucky number, and we are in Vegas..." So I got #7. Then John added, "You know, Rich, eleven would be even better!" Arrggghhhh! Rich leaned down and whispered, "You OK with that?" "Go for it," I said. So six of the best became eleven of the best. John then suggested we make it even luckier and go to 21, but I told him to go @#$% himself. :-)
I'd barely gotten my pants back up with Robert Wolf, Lily Starr's BF/Daddy, said, "Hey Erica, now that you're warmed up, how about a strapping?" Yes, how about that? Absolutely!
We went into one of the bedrooms and I laid over a pillow. He had four straps, each one looking a little heavier. I'd only played with Robert once before, when we shot together last year, but I remembered two things very clearly: 1) he has impeccable aim with implements, and 2) he spanks hard. The first strap stung like crazy, and I groaned when he said, "This is the lightest of the four." John was watching, and once again offering commentary. (Oh, I love you too, honey, you bastard.) ;-)
By the time we got to the third strap, I was writhing and moaning. "Remember, it's only leather," Robert teased. "Yeah, but in your hands, it feels like a 2 x 4!" I bawled. He thoroughly covered both cheeks and upper thighs and I didn't hold back -- I howled my head off, because I could. In the background I heard someone say, "I knew that was Erica!" No smartassery with this scene; I hunkered down and fully experienced it. I could hear the comments in the background, but only partially... I was zoning out.
Afterward, he rubbed on some soothing lotion and gave me a big hug. "That was delicious," he said in my ear. Yes, it was. I then staggered out of the bedroom; everyone laughed when they saw my face and my messed-up hair. Ah yes, that post-scene look!
As usual, a lot of the evening is a blur of chatting, laughing and bantering. Pizzas arrived and I had one slice (even though I don't like cheese, I like pizza. Go figure). I learned something about Ten this weekend; the woman is obsessed with boobs. She loves to do what she calls "motorboating": grabbing our boobs with both hands and smooshing her face into them. And yes, she did that to me. At first just over my shirt. But then I was talking about my "non-existent breasts" and lifted my shirt to prove it. Ten and Whooperine then began oohing and aahing over my "six-pack" (???) and both of them began molesting my stomach. Ten then yanked her shirt up and showed her boobs, claiming they were even smaller than mine. Someone (Tony T, I think) yelled out, "Your turn, Erica!" What the hell. I yanked my shirt and bra up and flashed the room. Hey, it was Vegas.
Cali and H had brought a full selection of martini mixers, and H was playing bartender, making custom martinis for everyone. Mind you, I've never had a martini in my life and John isn't into them at all, but we decided to go for it. So we watched while H whipped up an apple-tini with aplomb, complete with a fresh apple slice and a little green umbrella. Oh my, that was good. I was a bit emboldened after my first one (yes, I had two), and decided this business of sitting back and waiting for tops to ask me to play was for the birds. If I wanted to play with someone, I was going to damn well ask. So when I was chatting with PTL, Beth (I think? memory is hazy) and Mike W, I took a deep breath, sidled over to Mike and whispered, "Mike, will you play with me?"
It was gratifying to watch his face light up. "Sure! When?" "Whenever you like," I said. "How about now?" Good idea!
We went over to one of the couches in the main room, and what followed was what I think is one of the best hand spankings I've ever gotten. No exaggeration. The first part was more of a typical fun party scene, with Mike scolding and blathering top-speak at me ("Keep going, honey, I think you missed a few clichés," I teased him) and me smart-assing up a storm. That would have been great as is. He stopped and began to rub my cheeks a bit, so I relaxed, thinking that was the wind-down.
But then he began to spank again. Lightly at first, rhythmically, back and forth, all over my cheeks, sometimes alternating, sometimes slapping a few times on a cheek. I couldn't tell what he was going to do next and I loved that. I settled in, shutting up and nestling my head into the couch, enjoying it. Slowly, slowly, he ramped it up, almost imperceptibly. He never broke rhythm; he kept up the pace and the variety, but the intensity upped and upped. I don't know how long we were there, but by the time he had hit his peak, I was fully in the zone. The blows had reached major force, but I was one with them, absorbing them, writhing against them and welcoming them at the same time. I was vaguely aware of a voice moaning loudly; it was my own.
And then he stopped. I lay there for quite some time, panting, enjoying the feel of his hand now caressing me. Then I heard him say, "I hope you learned your lesson, Erica."
"Yeah," I gasped. "I learned that next time I'll ask you to play sooner." He laughed and pulled me up into his arms for a warm hug.
Later, I was given another fortune cookie -- this one read, "75 of Bottom's Choice." Yayy! Itsnature was talking with John and me at the time, so he asked, "What's your choice?" Well, duh... "Hand!" I said. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Some say my hand is worse than any implement." Oh, hell... how bad could it be, really? Somehow, thanks to John, 75 rose to 90. (Big surprise there, huh?)
IN took me back to the couch I'd just left after Mike, and I settled over his lap. Wasting no time, he yanked both my pants and panties down and began. Holy crap. His hand felt like a sledgehammer; that man is STRONG. Bravely, I yelled out the count for all 90 swats. After that, I knew I was done playing for the night. It was only Friday, after all -- there were still two full days and nights to go! I was still feeling the bravado from earlier, so before we left, I approached Whooperine, whom I'd met at the last Shadow Lane party but had not played with yet, and said, "Sometime before this weekend is over, will you play with me?" Again, the relief of seeing the surprised and happy face. "Absolutely!" he said.
I think a lot of the guests were pulling all-nighters at this party, which is fairly typical, but John and I simply can't do it. Well, I can't, anyway. I believe we staggered out of there around 3:00 that night, and John iced me down thoroughly after pouring me into bed.
This is probably as good a place as any to take a break. As timing would have it, I got a bunch of work on the one day when I didn't want any! I just wanted to bask in after-party glow and reports and comments and pictures all day today. But alas, life intervenes. So I'll return for Part 3 later.
Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken kinkophile and unapologetic attention wh--, um, hog.

PLEASE NOTE: This blog contains adult subjects and content, and because of Google/Blogger's recent nonsense, I HAVE MOVED TO WORDPRESS. For my enlightened friends who wish to visit me in my new home, it's Please bookmark it!
The rest of you? Please take your judge-y selves somewhere more wholesome, like here:
Go on.... shoo!
The rest of you? Please take your judge-y selves somewhere more wholesome, like here:
Go on.... shoo!
So great to see you Erica! I laughed so hard watching you, ellee, Missy, and... I don't know, a bunch of others discover Mike's epically long awesome spankings. I couldn't help watching it from across the room - but that's the case whenever your butt is out there to be seen. I'm like Beth, I have a pervy watching-erica's-butt-thing happening. Just makes me logical I guess :D
ReplyDeleteHeather -- I had watched Mike deliver one of those to the other Heather at SL last year, and was agog. He's toughened up even more since -- his hand was bruised then, and she actually brought him an ice-pack, spanked as she was! LOL
ReplyDeleteHey, this exhibitionist will keep letting her butt be seen as long as people still wanna see it. :-D ♥ you!
In November I killed his hand all by my lonesome - I was pretty happy about that. Here's the link to the tweet pic: . As "nah nah" as I was about it, I did massage it a bit and stuff to help. At the end of this weekend his hand was DESTROYED. Cracked, rough, bleeding. LOL. Not that it EVER stops him.
Delete<3 <3 <3 !!
ReplyDeleteI stayed in the Presidential suite during SL so you account brings back fond memories of that experience.
Richard caning you with John offering his "assistance" must have been hilarious, well maybe for them and on lookers. And Joe and Ten are an awesome couple.
Thank you for providing the details of your adventure. I am looking forward to Part 3.
Erica, I loved it when your fortune cookie read 'Six of the Best', with the cane. But it seems you are a 'glutton for punishment', and much much more was to come that evening. Also since you wished to keep 'ABREAST' of things, and give everyone there a 'BUST'. in the mouth. You had a 'BOOB' contest. 'Tit for Tat', so to speak. By the length of your blog essay, you were thoroughly enjoying your weekend in Las Vegas, by letting it all HUNG OUT. Yes, Erica life can be beautiful, if you allow yourself to enjoy it. In a way it's good theraphy. Here's hoping it will continue. XXX Luv ya.
ReplyDeletejoey -- more coming soon! Isn't the Presidential Suite lovely?
ReplyDeleteSix -- OK, I think you got all the requisite puns in. ;-) And yes, I hope life continues in this vein, at least for a while. It would be most pleasant.
Hi Erica -- I LOL When you got six of the best and John said 7 is her lucky number and we are in Vegas and so on :-)John is AWESOME and HILARIOUS.Mike sound's like a VERY hard spanker OUCH :-)So glad you had a nice time :-)I Love you
ReplyDeleteJade -- oh yes, John is hilarious. (rolling eyes in sarcasm) :-D
ReplyDeleteYou over Richard's lap, just terrific and love the sexy! Great post and so happy you and your friends and your bottom are having so much fun.
Ron -- Richard is great fun and I'm so glad I was part of his itinerary! ;-)
ReplyDeleteI love the promo vid you shot for your book with Richard and all your comments about him as he spanked your bottom. Terrific.
So glad that we got to do something proper for once after all these years. I'm also glad that you like the cane from time to time, there may be play in our future :) Thank you for such a good time :)
ReplyDeleteRich -- thank YOU! I do like the cane, especially when it's in such skilled hands. :-)
ReplyDeleteSounds like you had a fun day :)
ReplyDeleteBMD -- several fun days! :-)
ReplyDeleteHaha so nice of John to "help" you out so much! A lot of nice scenes and only Friday! I've stayed in the presidential suite at that hotel and it's big enough I couldn't find my roommates half the time. Lol.
ReplyDeleteLea -- I love that suite. It's huge and comfortable, and has three bathrooms too!