When I told Mr. D last week that we'd be off to Vegas for an extended weekend and I couldn't see him on Monday, he said, "Tuesday, then?" Right away, I answered, "Can we do it Wednesday instead?"
I've been down this road many times; I know how I am after one of these spanko gatherings. I needed Tuesday for decompression. It was a day slated for sleep, for blogging while my memories were still fresh, for basking in the afterglow, for reading an endless stream of posts and comments on FetLife, for downloading and organizing photos. It was a day for hovering in that nether region between the blissful escape of the weekend and reality.
By Tuesday night, reality was settling back in. I picked up my held mail at the post office; all bills. In my spacey state, I locked myself out of my apartment, and my manager snapped at me when I went to ask him for the spare key. I knew it wasn't personal -- his wife is ill in the hospital and he's stressed -- but it still hurt, since he's usually so nice to me. John called and confessed that, though he'd kept it from me so I wouldn't worry, he had been terribly fatigued all weekend and was on his way to the doctor for blood work. (Don't worry, any fellow party-goers; it's nothing contagious. He's infection-prone and everything affects his bad heart, which in turn exhausts him.) The weekend comments and reminiscing on FetLife were dying down, and being replaced with talk of the upcoming BBW. So... by Wednesday morning, I was in full drop mode.
Wednesday was when I knew I'd need Mr. D. And I did.
We didn't play for quite a while after he arrived; just sat on my couch and talked. He'd read all my blogs, so he had questions and I filled him in on details. When I spoke of the closeness I'd experienced over the weekend and how I wished everyone weren't so far away, my voice broke, and he pulled me into his arms. "I'm here," he said.
He said we didn't have to play if I wasn't up for it. Even though I wasn't marked, I was still quite sore, and I had a teeny little scab just below my right cheek when my recurring weak spot had opened up a bit on Friday night. So I knew I wouldn't be up for a thorough session, but I did want a hand spanking from him very much, and told him so.
"Are you sure?" he asked. "Whatever you need. Today, it's all about you."
Despite my blues, I smiled. "Silly man," I replied, "it's always about me."
The spanking was exactly what I needed, just enough, connecting me back to the good feelings and recharging my batteries. After he left, I worked out for nearly two hours after taking a week off. I showered, felt the hot water stinging my bottom like hundreds of little needles, and I grinned blissfully.
This weekend will be low-key, and will seem even more so after last weekend's festivities. But that's OK. I am a bit melancholy, but not depressed. I will be with John and we'll take care of each other. And Mr. D, who is going skiing for a long weekend, will be back to see me next Tuesday. "Be here, now," I must remember. Now is good.
Have a great weekend, y'all.
Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken kinkophile and unapologetic attention wh--, um, hog.

PLEASE NOTE: This blog contains adult subjects and content, and because of Google/Blogger's recent nonsense, I HAVE MOVED TO WORDPRESS. For my enlightened friends who wish to visit me in my new home, it's https://ericalscott.wordpress.com. Please bookmark it!
The rest of you? Please take your judge-y selves somewhere more wholesome, like here: www.wonderbread.com
Go on.... shoo!
The rest of you? Please take your judge-y selves somewhere more wholesome, like here: www.wonderbread.com
Go on.... shoo!
Glad you got a little somethin' somethin' to ease your transition back into the real world...
ReplyDeleteI hope that John recovers fully this weekend. I spanking a few days after a long party weekend is great for party-drop.
Craig -- me too.
ReplyDeletejoey -- yes, it really was.
Sounds like a great reconnection event for you two. Do you use any special cream/lotion to treat your week spot?
I meant weak spot.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear of Mr. D's health concerns. I'm glad you got to re-charge and re-connect with a spanking. It makes me feel all warm inside to hear that :-)
ReplyDeleteKelly -- I figured that's what you meant. ;-) No, I don't, since it's really not a problem. It's very tiny. Every now and then with heavy play, a drop of blood will well up there. When that happens, I use Neosporin, and after it heals, just regular moisturizer.
ReplyDeleteSP -- well, actually, Mr. D is fine. It's John who has the health concerns. I think he got some antibiotics earlier this week, so he's on the mend for now.
Hi Erica -- The hand spanking from Mr.D sound's WONDERFUL :-)Neosporin heal's stuff quickly,i am happy it work's well for you.I hope John feel's better soon :-( I am glad he got the antibiotic's before anything could get worse,that way he can feel better soon.Wishing you and John a nice relaxing weekend :-)You both need some rest.Much Love and hug's from naughty girl Jade
ReplyDeleteJade -- I'm glad too; I hope he will feel better this weekend.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you got some needed TLC just when you needed it. It helps a lot, I know.
ReplyDeleteI hope John will be feeling better and can rest this weekend. Both of you need a breather. Relax as much as you can.
Bobbie Jo -- John is on antibiotics, so he's doing a little better, thanks.
ReplyDeleteAh, the undulations of Life! That dip can be a very sad and lonely place indeed, and I'm glad Good Ol' D was there to get you through! And I'm glad John is feeling better, too!!
ReplyDeleteWolfie -- undulations indeed. I am very fortunate to have TWO good men helping me navigate them, as well as good friends. :-)
ReplyDeletePost party drop sucks big time! I start feeling it just thinking about it while I'm still at a party, so try to focus on the "be here now" thing as well to not kill my good time. Glad you and Mr. D had some time together. Hope John gets feeling better!
ReplyDeleteLea -- I think we all do that, a little. On Sunday night, it starts to kick in.
ReplyDeleteHand spankings are always wonderful
Ron -- yes they are! :-)