Those of you who read my book may recall my mentioning a couple John and I befriended early on in our relationship -- A & C. C was a fetish photographer and worked for LFP (Larry Flynt Publications), and she and A went with us to BDSM and spanking parties. In 1999, before Erica Scott was born, C took some photos of me at a Shadow Lane party and then published them, anonymously, in the amateur section of Taboo magazine.
Guess what I found stashed away in a coffee table compartment, among a pile of old Consumer Reports and other dated odds and ends? Yup. That old copy of Taboo. And what do you know -- I have a scanner now. :-)
So check this out, from about 12 1/2 years ago:
Oh, don't be so shocked. I had panties on. :-) By the way, that's A doing the honors, not John. Tsk.
You can't read the blurb unless you enlarge the photo, so here's the verbiage: (remember, I did NOT write this!)
The enigmatic Ms. E., a 29-year-old resident of Encino, California, may be mysterious about her identity, but she's perfectly candid about her desires. Submissive to her molten core, she likes "spanking, spanking and more spanking." Bare-handed over-the-knee is her favorite, "because it's more intimate." But E. also enjoys a well-wielded wooden paddle, the zing of the leather strap and even the odd stroke of the cane. Our toast to E: Bottoms Up!
Makes me giggle, reading it now. Submissive to my molten core?? Enjoys a wooden paddle? (Not!) But I can overlook all that -- they did, after all, call me a 29-year-old, and I was 42 at the time. :-)
And mysterious about my identity? That didn't last much longer, did it.
In other news, Lily Starr put a preview clip of "The Devil Wears a Red Bottom" on Spanking Tube. You can check it out here, if you're so inclined.
Tomorrow is Dark Shadows day, and wouldn't you know, I've come down with John's cold. Argh. So far, it seems to be a mild one and I'm drowning myself in Airborne and soup and nasal spray. No gym for me today; I'm going to rest and do my best to shake this damn thing off. After all, I've shot spanking videos with a cold; I can certainly go to a movie premiere with one. The show must go on.
Hope everyone's having a decent week so far.
Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken kinkophile and unapologetic attention wh--, um, hog.

PLEASE NOTE: This blog contains adult subjects and content, and because of Google/Blogger's recent nonsense, I HAVE MOVED TO WORDPRESS. For my enlightened friends who wish to visit me in my new home, it's Please bookmark it!
The rest of you? Please take your judge-y selves somewhere more wholesome, like here:
Go on.... shoo!
The rest of you? Please take your judge-y selves somewhere more wholesome, like here:
Go on.... shoo!
ReplyDeleteI would die for those legs of yours! Gorgeous! I kind of like the illusion of the woman-sawed-in-half getting spanked... Kinky ;)
I hope you feel better and are able to watch DS tomorrow... I know just how much you were looking forward to that!
Well wishes,
PS I'm not sure how much validity you put into homeopathics, but I've found a lot of luck with ColdCalm. Whole foods and Capitol Drugs carry it.
DeleteHi Erica -- I think it is so COOL that you found that article :-)it's very AWESOME :-)I hope you feel better soon,I saw your new clip last night YOU ROCK GIRL IT WAS FABULOUS :-)I sent you a little note last night telling you congrats, i hope you liked it.Much Love and hug's alway's from your naughty girl Jade xoxo
ReplyDeleteHow awesome to have found that again!.
ReplyDeleteAnd I do like hand spankings the most too. So much more intimate!
SC -- high heels and black stockings work wonders! :-D Thank you. I'm not a believer in homeopathy; I've tried various things (arnica, ZiCam, Oscillo-whatsis), but none of them has ever done anything for me. However, the 10% alcohol in a shot of NyQuil knocks me out. :-)
ReplyDeleteJade -- glad you liked the clip. I had fun being the Boss From Hell.
Julia -- they are indeed! Welcome to my blog.
Wow, nice pic from the magazine! And I love the SpankingTube clip! I may have rewound the taking off the belt part once or twice...
ReplyDeleteLea -- thanks! Ah yes, the belt removal... we do love that, don't we. :-D
ReplyDeleteThat is one hot picture.
ReplyDeleteBTW, colds run their course. Rest helps the symtoms.
Fabulous picture Erica.
ReplyDeleteWhat did you think of Dark Shadows? Hope your cold is better.
OBB -- well, I've been doing plenty of that. Slept like the dead last night after my dose of NyQuil.
ReplyDeleteRonnie -- I will blog all about it tomorrow after I see it, promise. (pause while everyone groans)
Gorgeous pic and you look as great now as then.
ReplyDeleteI hope your cold at least doesn't worsen but you'll have a great time regardless.
That's awesome! I love it.
ReplyDeleteKelly -- about an hour before I leave, I'm feeling OK. Still have a cold, but it's to the point where I can ignore it. :-)
ReplyDeleteCraig -- thanks!
Hope you enjoy your night tonight... and that pic is really hot! Glad you found it.
ReplyDeleteSS -- thanks, darlin'. Major blog coming up about tonight -- just got home. It's 1:00 a.m. and I'm wired on Diet Coke. When I roll out of bed sometime tomorrow, I'll get busy on recapturing what a surreal night it was.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe in the devil but I did like your red bum. when you said insubordination I thought he may introduce a board. I think you're glad he didn't.