This writing was delayed a bit. First, I came home and got bombed with rush jobs from one of my clients. I always appreciate work, but this was one day I just wanted to decompress! Oh well. And second, I ended up going to the doctor today to get antibiotics. Why? Well, remember how my nostrils were dried out and cracking due to our weeks of dry weather? Apparently, some sort of nasty bacteria got in there. My left nostril started hurting yesterday morning, and today I woke up with the inside of it nearly swelled shut and the outside rigid and red. Lovely! So I have an infected nostril. How stupid. It hurts worse than my butt, and it's not fun hurt!
But back to the fun. Friday morning, John got me up and showered, and although it was lunchtime, I didn't want to eat too much before heading to shoot with Sarah and John, so I just got a bagel and coffee, then gathered up my stuff and went to their room.
Sarah wanted one lengthy clip for her site, and John wanted a shorter one for his, plus a couple of very brief POV videos (he has a section on his site where the model talks to the camera, or is spanked briefly without showing the top, only the bottom). They had fun ideas -- for Sarah, I was to dress up and be John's wife, at a nice hotel with him, and he's angry at me because I gambled away a bunch of his cash. And then for John, I also played his wife, but I was lying around in lingerie, pretending to be sick so I could get out of a dinner with his business partner, whom I hated.
We shot the gambling one first -- John had laid out a daunting selection of implements on the bed, and my first words when I came back in were, "What the @#$% is THIS??" After some lecturing, he had me choose three implements. I immediately took the heaviest one and flung it onto the other bed, then selected the hairbrush, a leather strap and the crop. We had a nice long hand spanking and then progressed to the three toys. It was a lively scene with lots of good banter.
After that, we shot the two POVs and then the scene for John's site. I was sprawled on the bed in a t-shirt and panties when I should have been getting ready for the business dinner, whining about how I didn't feel well. John was skeptical, knowing that I would do or say anything to get out of this, so he threatened to take my temperature rectally until I confessed that I was faking it. And we know what happens to bad wives who lie to their husbands. (sigh)
What a blast! I don't have any pictures yet, but hopefully Sarah will send me some. They were a great team and we were finished in about two hours, I think.
Since Joe and Ten's suite was open 24/7 and people were wandering in and out at all hours, we went in there during the afternoon after my shoot and hung out until we were ready for a nap. We went back around 8:00, but a lot of people had gone to dinner and the room was quiet, so we decided to go to our usual, Café Siena, and have dinner.
That night, back in the suite (which was hopping by 10 PM), I had three more scenes -- one with Michael, one with YS and one with Joe. Michael's was a hand spanking, not too hard (he knew I was a little sore), but lovely and rhythmic and intense all the same. Afterward, we stayed on the bed for a while, me sprawled across his leg and him lying back on the bed, coming down from the high. With Joe, I got to experience his incredible double strap technique -- he chose two pairs of leather straps and kept alternating them, striking me with both (one in each hand). How he does it, I have no idea -- his aim was perfect, all the way through. Never wrapped, nothing too high or too low, just absolute perfection. My first words after I stood up were, "OK, Joe, I'm moving to Indiana!" (He and Ten live there.) I do love that man.
My scene with YS was delightful -- he is cute as hell and very polite (asked before taking my panties down, checked in, asked before doing six extra hard strap strokes at the end), but he has this wicked way of snickering when you react to the blows. I really enjoyed him. Beth cracked me up; after our scene, she found me, grabbed me by the hand and asked how was it, was he nice, was it good, did I like it, really really really? So cute! She wants her friends to like her sweetie. No problems there. :-)
The rest of the evening is a blur of talking and laughing and milling about and enjoying everyone. Joe had a stack of pizzas delivered at 1 AM and everyone was eating (I declined, since I didn't want to go to bed with a belly full of pizza). I then had one of the weekend's many delicious moments. To backtrack: I had told Alex all about Michael, and she said she had seen him before, but hadn't officially met him, and that she'd like to do so (and play with him, too). I asked her if she'd like me to help orchestrate that, and she smiled and nodded. So the night before, I had introduced them. He went right to work, taking her hand and whispering things in her ear, getting into her head space. I watched her eyes glaze over and I knew she was hooked, so I sat next to Paul and jokingly suggested that perhaps we should leave the room! When Michael was done with his machinations, he walked away, and Alex wandered over to us, looking dazed and blissful. "Well, that was successful," she murmured. "Ah," I crowed, "my work here is done!"
So cut to Friday night -- Alex came over to me, munching on a slice of pizza, and sat on the arm of the sofa talking to me. In the middle of our conversation, Michael wandered over. Without saying anything, he took hold of her wrist and held it firmly. She froze, the pizza crust in her fingers, and he whispered, "Finish. Your. Pizza." I watched her trying to eat that crust and I knew her stomach was up in her throat by now, so I said, "Would you like me to take that for you?" Wordlessly, she handed it to me, and off they went.
Seeing her face after they came back was highly gratifying. :-) And yes, he had a good time too. I love setting my friends up with great tops!
I think we stayed in the suite until around 3:00 AM, and then reluctantly said good night. After all, there were still two whole days left, and I had another shoot the next afternoon, so it was time for some ZZZZs.
To be continued...
Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken kinkophile and unapologetic attention wh--, um, hog.

PLEASE NOTE: This blog contains adult subjects and content, and because of Google/Blogger's recent nonsense, I HAVE MOVED TO WORDPRESS. For my enlightened friends who wish to visit me in my new home, it's Please bookmark it!
The rest of you? Please take your judge-y selves somewhere more wholesome, like here:
Go on.... shoo!
The rest of you? Please take your judge-y selves somewhere more wholesome, like here:
Go on.... shoo!
Erica, I like the two spanking scene 's . The gambling one, and the one where you get all dressed up. Love to see some photo's eventually from them. Don't knock the extra work you get from the CLIENT you work for. I am sure they HELP, pay those monthly bills you pay each year.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed our scene that night so much. You're a delight to play with, and you have the cutest butt. Thank you for saying such nice things about me, you're too sweet.
ReplyDeleteSix -- oh, I'm not knocking it. It was just unfortunate timing, because I wanted the day to simply come to earth, blog, etc.
ReplyDeleteYS -- no, YOU'RE sweet! :-) You'll be in Part 4 as well. Oh wait... I think you'll be in a bit of Part 3 also.
Hi Erica -- Everything about this party sounds AMAZING :-) The scene you did with Sarah and John sounds AWESOME :-) Wish I could see a clip of it. I bet John spanks very hard LOL :-) I wouldn't mind getting spanked Otk by him myself.The impliments I would pick for him to spank me with ,would be the hairbrush and the tawse I am looking forward to reading more :-) Much Love and hugs from naughty girl Jade
ReplyDeleteJade -- I will try to get to Part 3 tonight, but it might be tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteThose scenes you filmed sound hilarious. I'm impressed with your ability to film multiple scenes on different days. I always think shoot spankings seem just a little more intense right off the bat as opposed to "easing" into a private session. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd on top of all that you had lost of other spankings.
It's alway so lovely to see you and John. You two are so engaging and great fun.
ReplyDeleteWasn't Joe's double strap technique awesome? He did it to me too and I was in utter heaven.
LOL... I know I shouldn't worry about YS because he's so good at giving spankings. It makes me sound like I think he'll do something wrong. It's totally not that. When I see him play with girls I don't know well, I don't care at all. But when it's someone I really like, then I want things to be perfect. :P
Alexis -- fifteen total, including the shoots! I have Leather Butt at the moment.
ReplyDeleteBeth -- you're so cute. I totally got where you were coming from. :-) And yes, Joe is one of the very few I would trust with double strapping (Dave would be another). Others who have tried have wrapped me or had shots that were off and very painful.
OMG, Erica, I had the best time messing with Alex! Seeing her reaction to my wrist grab was priceless. When we played, a pure delight! I loved it all! What a great girl, a great hookup, and a fantastic memory from that weekend. Thanks for making me smile as I read your post! Michael
ReplyDeleteMichael -- heeeee! That was so much fun to watch! I wish I had a picture of her face. Nice job. :-)
ReplyDeleteUmmm, I vote that you move to Indiana :-)
ReplyDeleteMaMa Blue
MaMa -- perhaps I can get a timeshare there or something. :-) Visiting the Hammond House of Hedonism is on my bucket list.