Tomorrow morning is John's angiogram. In case you don't know what that is, here's what they'll be doing: They will sedate him, make an incision in his groin, insert a catheter and thread it all the way up to the arteries around his heart. Then they will inject dye so they can see what's going on in those arteries.
The irony of all this is John is probably the last person to need this test. His heart may be working at about 2/3 capacity (if that), but I'm betting his coronary arteries are clean as a newborn. His weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and pulse are all low. He does more exercise than most men half his age do, he eats healthfully, he's never smoked, blah blah blah. But they're doing it anyway. I guess they have to with all heart patients.
The test itself takes about 30-45 minutes. But there's a lot of prep, and afterward, he needs to lie flat without sitting up for two to four hours. And let's face it, it's Kaiser Permanente. There will be time delays and bureaucratic snafus. So I'm not sure when I'll be able to take him home. At least I have a proper address (the facility has multiple buildings and it's a huge maze) and the direct phone number of the lab area.
I'm more nervous than he is, I think. I made the mistake of looking up the test online and reading the litany of things that can go wrong (bleeding, tears in the artery, heart attack, infection, much more). Reallllly stupid idea. I know they have to list all that crap for legal reasons, but it's enough to scare a person half to death.
John went to a lawyer today and had a medical directive and a simple will prepared. He's also giving me power of attorney, and the potential responsibility of that is terrifying. He said this procedure and all the prep and so forth is like a "trial run" for when he has open-heart surgery. Whatever. I don't even want to think about that now. I just want to get him through this stupid test and get him home so he can rest and recover. He's not supposed to do any bending or lifting for a couple of days, no driving, etc. He can go back to work on Monday, though.
I am not as on top of my game as I hoped I'd be. I had a coughing fit on Tuesday night in bed, and I guess my body was sick to death of all the stress caused by all this damned coughing. Because when I woke up Wednesday morning, my lower back was out. Bad. Saw the chiropractor, and I have been using ice-packs and Advil since then. I'm a bit better, but still moving gingerly. Hopefully it will be even better tomorrow.
Notice I asked for good thoughts. I didn't ask for prayers, because I don't believe in them. But if you do, and you feel like throwing one or two his way, have at it. I'll take anything.
I just want him to be OK.
Will update when I can. Meanwhile... have a great weekend, y'all.
Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken kinkophile and unapologetic attention wh--, um, hog.

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The rest of you? Please take your judge-y selves somewhere more wholesome, like here:
Go on.... shoo!
The rest of you? Please take your judge-y selves somewhere more wholesome, like here:
Go on.... shoo!
Erica, not to worry. I've had 4 of these over 20 years and the one you describe sounds like 1993! My last one a year ago they went in through my wrist and I was in my room sitting up, eating and texting an hour later. Best wishes.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous -- really?? I guess John's (and my) HMO is pretty damn backward, then. Ugh. Well, I guess if they're 20 years behind the times, at least they've perfected the old method. (sigh)
ReplyDeleteI am sending tonnes of positive energy your and John's way, Erica!
ReplyDeleteAnd I think they prefer to err on he safe side; it is precisely good hospital practice if they prefer a reality that is more relaxing than what they tell him beforehand, tather than the other way around.
Praying (or whatever) for you both. I bet your back feels better once this is over.
ReplyDeletePositive thoughts from us. Even though the test seems redundant and stressful for all, it is better to find out if there is something else they should monitor rather than skip a test and find out much later.
ReplyDeleteMrJ -- thank you.
ReplyDeleteMick -- gawd, I hope so.
Felicia -- you're right, I know. Best to cover all the bases. Thanks.
Hi Erica -- I have faith that John will be just fine :-) Sending many prayers and much Love to you both. I always have Hope because without it I am nothing :-) I BELIEVE <3. I will be waiting,for your update.Big hugs from naughty girl Jade
ReplyDeleteJade -- thanks. He got through the angiogram. I will be picking him up and taking him home around 2:30.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you're dealing with so much stress. Glad he made it through ok and I will send lots of positive thoughts your way! Big hugs to you both!
ReplyDeleteHappy to hear John's angiograam went well.
Enjoy a restful weekend.
Aw, Erica... I miss you two very much. John's pretty much the healthiest man I know, so it had better turn out well... I expect to hear about the doctors being amazed and reassessing their own lifestyles, and running off to write articles for journals of medicine. Which you will probably be hired to proofread.
ReplyDeleteLily -- thanks. I've gotten him home and put him to bed.
ReplyDeleteRonnie -- I'm hoping it will be, thanks.
Danny -- oh, I miss you too. And it turned out pretty much as I expected; while John's heart is a @#$%ing mess, his arteries are clean as a whistle. The doctor said, and I quote, "All we have to take care of is the valve." (That's plenty, don'cha think?)
glad to hear it went okay. threw one at you anyway!
ReplyDeleteHi Erica -- I am so glad to hear that John is ok :-)What a relief for us all. He's in good hand's he has you to take very good care of him :-)Sending much Love and hug's to you both <3 From naughty girl Jade
ReplyDeleteSo glad the test went well and that you got some relatively good news finding out his arteries were clear! At least that's something! My faith is my own and I will be sending one up for you both! - Sammie
ReplyDeleteThe fake padded hairbrush in Erica's Audit clip was a cute touch!
ReplyDeleteGood to know there is nothing wrong with the arteries.
ReplyDeleteI guess everyhting wil work our well, now that the doctors are taking care of his valve, and you of the rest of his heart.
Here you go: another dose of positive energy!
ReplyDeleteI sympathize, I am doing the same thing right now with a family friend, I am his POA and he had a heart attack and now in rehab and hates me for not bringing him many decisions to make, so sorry for John and my prayers are with him.
You feel better.
I am so happy that John's arteries are free and clear. Now, if they can just fix the valve. I hope he is feeling a bit better today and getting back to normal. Both of you have been on my mind and I have been sending good thoughts for you.
ReplyDeleteSS -- appreciate it. :-)
ReplyDeleteJade -- I do my best to take care of him, thanks. :-)
Sammie -- thank you.
Anonymous -- and your comment was an inappropriate and stupid touch, especially in this thread. I hope you're happy with yourself.
MrJ -- that was very sweet. :-)
Ron -- it's a labor of love, isn't it.
Bobbie Jo -- well, they'll have to replace it, as it's far beyond repairing. But we aren't dealing with that just yet. Today, he's doing OK, and I'm relieved. :-)
So happy to hear John's test went well and I hope you are feeling better.
ReplyDeleteErica, yes it a labor of love, patience and very deep thoughtful moments, especially when it comes to the future vs them being safe vs their wishes......stressful as well.
From the comments it sounds like everything went well. Really glad to hear that and hope both of you are back on your feet soon.
ReplyDeleteKaki -- getting there, thanks.
ReplyDeleteLea -- it did. He's going back to work tomorrow. :-)
That´s great news, Erica. And then for something completely different: may he now take care of you really soon ;-))
ReplyDeleteI think it would be cute to hit "Anonymous" with that fake padded hairbrush. In the face.
ReplyDeleteI just got to reading this. Obviously, the procedure is over by now, so I hope everything is alright with John. Lizzie and I send our best to you two. Let me know if there's anything we can do to help, since we're close and I (more or less) pass John's going to and from work each day.
ReplyDeleteLily -- I was thinking somewhere farther south. ;-)
ReplyDeleteCraig -- yes, he's fine. Back to work today and all. Thanks!