How was everyone's weekend? Looks like we're all still here. :-D
Couple of things on the Interwebs worth mentioning. First, Bonnie Jo called my attention to this: Spanking Court posted a clip on Spanking Tube, called "Behind the Scenes at Spanking Court" It's quick, just 2:44, and it's a fun little montage of bits from the shoots. Sets, makeup, people making faces and being silly. About halfway into it, there's Yours Truly, sprawled on the couch in my orange scrubs, looking dazed and goofy and grinning like an idiot after The Villain's dose of therapy. And Himself is perched on the sofa arm, looking mighty proud of his accomplishment. :-) Check it out!
Also, Lea (of Lea's Corner) recently bought my book of M/F fiction and was kind enough to give it a nice little review here. Thank you, Lea. :-) I was rereading a few of those stories recently, and I admit that some seem kind of cornball to me now, especially the ones I wrote 10-12 years or so ago. So it's nice to hear people still enjoy them.
So yesterday, John and I shopped all day, ending the afternoon with a trip to Old Town Pasadena so we could buy his coworker a gift certificate from Restoration Hardware (she just bought her first house). We parked several blocks away and plowed through the busy sidewalks with people milling all around us. I had no clue anything was off with John, but when we were done at RH and walking to a nearby restaurant, he confessed that he could feel a migraine coming on. Ugh.
Fortunately, if he gets a massive dose of caffeine into him on time, he's able to ward it off. So we got to the restaurant and sat immediately, and when the server asked us if we wanted drinks, John asked him to please bring a cup of coffee right away. And he did! I was worried, because John had that familiar glassy-eyed look and I could see his face was perspiring, but after he drank the first two cups of coffee, he started to settle back down. By the third cup, he said he was fine and we enjoyed a nice dinner.
After dinner, we were walking back to the car and on the way we passed a park where a concert was playing. We couldn't see the band from the sidewalk, but could hear the music: very loud grunge rock. "Let's go check it out," he said. "Why?" I protested. "You can hear it from here. You don't want to go closer, do you? It might kick your migraine back in." But he insisted he was fine, let's go look.
So we trudged through the grass and onto the path, finally getting to the stage and taking a peek. Up close, it was extremely loud and obnoxious, and we could see that it was four guys, dressed in solid black, all gyrating and screaming and flipping around mass quantities of long hair. They didn't sing particularly well, either.
"This sucks!" John said, taking my hand and leading me away. "You are in so much trouble!"
"Whaaaaaaaaaaa??" I screeched, stumbling along after him. "It was your idea! You wanted to go closer!"
We went down the grassy hill, and as the racket got farther away, he said, "No, it's all your fault, and you are so spanked!" We started to walk past a small bench in the grass and he made an abrupt turn and grabbed my arm. Next thing I knew, he sat on the bench and I went sprawling across his lap. My purse upended and keys, glasses, mints and other paraphernalia scattered.
He just gave me a few whacks and then let me back up... I have no idea if anyone saw or not. I was mortified and excited at the same time. He'd given me slaps on the butt in public before, but never flipped me OTK. And the big idiot gloated and crowed about it all the way home. "You ARE going to blog about this, aren't you?" Yes, dear.
Hey, tomorrow's Monday. It's... oh. Wait. Never mind. :-(
I confess here to a little frustration; when I sent Danny my book a couple of weeks ago, he was quite gung-ho at first, reading the first 70 pages and giving me lots of feedback and good suggestions (more details and shorter paragraphs, for a couple). But then he stopped, and I'm in a holding pattern until he gets back to it. Danny? Sweetheart? Are you reading this? I realize you have a life, but you did volunteer to do this, so could ya please please please? :-) It would be so nice to have a distraction from missing New Guy, and what better than getting my book edits and finally getting this thing done already. So pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?
OK, I'm off to catch up with FetCrack. Later, kids.
Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken kinkophile and unapologetic attention wh--, um, hog.

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Go on.... shoo!
The rest of you? Please take your judge-y selves somewhere more wholesome, like here:
Go on.... shoo!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
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BRAVO, John! Bravissimo!!
ReplyDeleteI saw you on that clip, too, getting all made up and then in what I thought were satiny PJ's! Thought it was BEFORE, though! Now I'll haveta go look again! Cheers for bonnie Jo, too!
Restoration Hardware - I love that store! We actually have one (that I know of) way up here.
ReplyDeleteLucky you, being spanked OTK in public. That's always been a fantasy of mine.
Hermione (Still alive on the East coast)
Yaaaaaay! A public spanking!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI would like to order your story too. I suppose it's all ready now? (sorry if I've missed something!)
Wolfie -- ROFL! Satiny PJs? They were hideous Day-Glo orange prison scrubs! But yeah, it was after. See the LaLa Land look on my face?
ReplyDeleteHermione -- it was very quick. I couldn't believe he did it!
Sarah -- no, the book I've been referring to lately isn't ready yet. The one Lea read and reviewed is a collection of M/F stories I wrote in 2007. :-)
Same as Hermione, I would love to be spanked OTK in public.
Ronnie -- it's quite surreal when it actually happens. I'm not sure how I would have felt had I gotten up and seen people watching and laughing. Funny about some fantasies...
ReplyDeleteSpanked in public, happened to me once in a semi public place (an ex-boyfriend who did not know anything of my desires) and it shook me for a week but in my dreams - happens quite often.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you had a good, if not surreal, time. :)
Poppy -- pretty serendipitous when it happens with someone who hasn't got a clue about your desires, no?
ReplyDeleteHello my Erica, I think it's AWESOME that you got spanked in public, i always wanted to be spanked in public it's sounds so EXCITING :-) John is so freakin COOL. YAY WAY TO GO JOHN AND ERICA :-) I did see that clip of you i LOVED it you looked so happy hehehe i Love the dreamy look in your eye's. I am glad that John got rid of his headache those must really SUCK :-( Love and hugs to you my dear friend from your naughty girl Jade xoxo
ReplyDeleteJade -- dreamy is right; I was completely in LaLaLand! :-D
ReplyDeleteI would have been morified if I was ever spanked in public! I have no fantasy desire about that at all. However, I can see that maybe for you it was, well, a shock and fantasy all rolled into one. Maybe all that coffee put John in rare form? Hehehe.
Bobbie Jo -- here's the weird part. All that coffee, and he still fell asleep with his head in my lap while we were watching SNL. If I'd drunk three cups of caffeinated coffee at dinnertime, I would have been awake until Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteI loved your book and can hardly wait for the next one! So yeah, get on it Danny. Lol. I would have a complete panic attack if I was spanked in public, but that's just me. I think I'm in the minority of absolutely no public play, even at spanking parties and being in a common area. Glad you survived with little to no embarrassment. :-)