He left a little earlier than usual tonight, but he'd arrived earlier as well. I guess some of you are waiting, huh?
No sass tonight. Sassy Erica has left the building (well, temporarily). Don't worry; she'll be back. Tonight, I'm in a quieter place. A very, very good, quieter place. I feel like curling up into a ball in my bed, letting the dark and quiet envelop me. But first, I need to write.
New Guy usually sends me email on Monday mornings, in a teasing "oh are you gonna get it" mode. So imagine how I felt this morning when I received this:
I expect you to meet me at your door wearing a short skirt or dress, no stockings and no panties, you won't be needing them. After letting me in you will turn and march directly into the bedroom. You will have the heart shaped paddle, and I believe you have a cane, lying on the bed.
You know what you did was wrong and you deserve to be punished. You can expect to be severely disciplined.
I'd already eaten breakfast, and felt my cereal lurching around in my stomach. Ohhhh my.
He'd forgotten that my cane had gotten broken the last time he used it. I wrote back and reminded him of this, suggesting he may want to bring one. I offered no argument or plea otherwise.
When he arrived and I opened the door, I was so taken aback, I started giggling from sheer nerves. First of all, his usual attire is jeans and a t-shirt -- tonight, he was all GQed out in dress slacks, collared shirt and a jacket, plus he had very attractive new frames on his glasses. And second, he was pointing a videocamera at me. Holy crap... my discipline was going to be filmed.
So... I will not give away what happened. Because you will all see it, as soon as he edits and sends it to me. I will tell you that it was the most intense scene he and I have ever had. Certainly not the longest or the hardest, but definitely the strictest. No warmup. And I cried. On camera. I have never shed tears on camera before. And they were quite real.
Not from the spanking. From the things he said. He scolded me so thoroughly and effectively, I would have cried without any spanking at all. He wasn't mean, he didn't berate me. But he let me know how he felt.
I do not feel diminished or broken. I didn't have to be beaten into a grotesque pulp for it to be effective. What I feel is deeply cared for.
After it was over, he was gentle and kind, as he always is. All was normal once again, after just a few minutes.
He took a couple of pictures after the fact; I'd faded some by then, but you can see that I'm marked. What a difference a warmup makes.
He'd used only his belt and the paddle. But just before he left and was packing everything up, he picked up his strap and said, "I never got to this one!" Uh oh. Yes, of course, he had to give me five licks with it, for the road.
Big meanie.
OK, not really. :-) He is wonderful, and I am a very lucky woman.
I need to eat something. Here's hoping in my semi-stunned and soporific state, I don't burn the building down.
Video to come soon -- stay tuned.
Thank you, my dear, sweet not-so-New-Guy.
EDIT: You can watch the video clips here (part 1) and here (part 2).
Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken kinkophile and unapologetic attention wh--, um, hog.

PLEASE NOTE: This blog contains adult subjects and content, and because of Google/Blogger's recent nonsense, I HAVE MOVED TO WORDPRESS. For my enlightened friends who wish to visit me in my new home, it's https://ericalscott.wordpress.com. Please bookmark it!
The rest of you? Please take your judge-y selves somewhere more wholesome, like here: www.wonderbread.com
Go on.... shoo!
The rest of you? Please take your judge-y selves somewhere more wholesome, like here: www.wonderbread.com
Go on.... shoo!
Monday, March 28, 2011
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Oh well just melt me to a puddle why don'tcha! Now that's how discipline should be doled out. NG showed up in 'business mode', and was very matter o' fact and to the point.. with good verbiage to get that mind of yours in line with why he's there .. and then (owwww) no warm up and just right to the nitty gritty that gets their point across! WHEWH! I gotta hand it to him.. he does back up his emails with follow through when he's ready! Looking forward to this video! OH MY! "MARKS!"
ReplyDeleteAnd well you SHOULD have been whipped...caned...had the hairbrush good and hard, where it belongs and where it will--perhaps?-- teach you. That, after all, is what NG and John must have had in mind. And I, for one, fully understand and support them! So this is truly a 'win/win' situation--naughty Erica gets the pretty severe spanking she needs and deserves, and NG gets the fun and satisfaction of administering it. If only the whole world worked this way, we'd be in much better shape...glad to know that you are in a blissful, dreamy state, Erica!
ReplyDeleteZelle -- yes, he is a force to be reckoned with when he wants to be. And a never-ending source of surprises...
ReplyDeleteMB -- I am indeed. :-)
I can't wait for the video, Erica. :) If you're brave enough to post real tears. I don't know if I would be.
ReplyDeleteI've really been enjoying your posts, lately. You had an interesting bunch of events take place, and it seems that all the men in your life were out to get ya.
But it was worth it, right? :) As you yourself say, "Might as well have some fun when they're only going to spank you anyway." Yes, I have learned well, and from the best...I know. :)
Bobbie Jo -- yes, I will post it. It's a different side of me, one others rarely see.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, it's been one heck of a ride recently. Loving every minute of it. :-)
I understand just how you feel and how ironic it is that being punished like that can make a girl feel so cared for and safe. I think NG is just the right sort of person to make a girl feel like that.
ReplyDeleteAnd I think the etiquette after a girl has been sorted out is for her not to be told off any more which is all quite right.
Reading this is perfect, it reminds me how it feels and lets me share some of those peaceful feelings.
Thank you
Goodness gracious. I go away for a couple of days of business - and MISS everything. But I had a lovely time catching up...and there I was thinking that I can land myself up in trouble easily...(GRIN)
ReplyDeletePoppy -- I couldn't agree more. When it's over, it should be OVER; time for kindness and compassion. Glad I could remind you of some warm fuzzies...
ReplyDeleteRaven -- the beauty of blogs is you can always catch up! Pretty wild stuff, huh? :-)
There's nothin' better than a Top/Man with "compassion".. that trumps passion for me any day of the week.
ReplyDeleteHere it is, 2am, I couldn't sleep so I got up to read your post. BTW, it was Bonnie Jo who wrote you before, not me, so you must have been in fuzzy mode.
Well, leather and wood. I was thinking earlier if he would use your special paddle.
Having a couple of guys really care that much about you and NG being able to read you so well is special. Even if you did get marked. (Of course, you know how I feel about getting marked. It doesn't look too bad though.) The point is, he was very caring afterwards and that means a lot. I can hardly wait to see the video. Who knows? I just might cry along with you.
How perfect is that?
ReplyDeleteForget paddles, straps and canes. What's happening to your bottom pales in comparison to what's going on in your head. Bravo, not-so-NG, for understanding head space.
And hugs to you, Erica. It takes courage to let someone in.
Hello my Erica WOW your spanking really was intense cause you NEVER get mark's OUCH, I am happy that you have a top that has compassion everyone need's someone in their life that care's enough about them to discipline them :-)Thank's for letting all of us in your world, and letting us all see how discipline truly should be. I can hardly wait to see your video that's a side of you i never seen. watching you cry will make me cry. you truly have lot's of courage your so VERY brave. i wish i could be half the lady you are your the GREATEST and my favorite. YOU GO GIRL SHOW THEM HOW IT'S REALLY DONE :-) Hug's to you and lot's of Love, From your naughty girl Jade xoxo PS i wish NG could spank me i could use some discipline i been VERY bad
ReplyDeleteOh my -- Bonnie-jo, I'm so sorry! Bobbie Jo is right, I was in la-la land and I got my Bobbies and Bonnies mixed up. Please forgive me.
ReplyDeleteOK, now... BoBBie Jo -- it really is a shock to me that I was marked. I usually play longer and harder. This is absolute testimony to the power of a warmup!
Pink -- thank you. Courage, perhaps... but some people make it so much easier (you know this, too). :-)
Jade -- ah, sweetie, thank you. (hugs)
It was a pleasure, as always, to read of your punishment by NG. I kept finding myself thinking of you yesterday and wondering what condition your bottom was in yesterday evening.
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed that after all these years (I'm not trying to imply that you are old or anything!) you can still get teary from a thorough scolding. I, myself, have never cried from a spanking--though I almost did once from a scolding. That is to say that my eyes welled up, but that's as far as it went.
I really enjoy your posts--I probably look forward to Mondays (almost) as much as you do. Can't wait to see the video!
Without a doubt the main men in your life most certainly love you and are in love with you. NG being the former showed a very compassionate side by not only dressing GQ style, but by delivering a more no-nonsense spanking this time around. He gave you what you needed in terms of the punishment for possible "reckless" behavior even though you have good instincts and sound judgement. But by amping up his attire he also seemed to add an erotic spice to the punishment demonstrating he wasn't TOTALLY angry at you. :)
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's a good time to invest in some quality ice packs...just a thought! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI have never had a "warm-up" so I couldn't testify of the value of it, but having said that, the spanking you got, with no warm-up, was what you probably needed, and, might I add, wanted. NG showed up business like and sounds like he wanted you to be business like without any under periphernalia to get into the way of "business".
I guess you weren't totally #@$%ed. :-)
Now where is that video?! :-D
Dana -- being as emotional as I am, words have tremendous power with me. And while I don't want to give away what was said, he pushed some very deep buttons. I can't think of many whom I could comfortably allow to do that.
ReplyDeleteKelly -- well said. I second what Zelle said earlier; tops must have compassion and kindness even in their most no-nonsense mode, or I want none of them.
I still don't know what I'm doing to bring this degree of caring unto myself, but I hope I keep doing it. :-)
Bobbie Jo -- LOL... I'm sure he'll deliver it to me as soon as humanly possible.
What you're doing is being real, true to yourself. NG LOVES a challenge and you provide that with your sass, tenderness, toughness and strong will.
ReplyDeleteYes, Ma'am compassion is a MUST have for me as well along with the mutual teasing. I can't imagine taking a spanking like you just did and not have a hug, soothing words and or lotion applied to soothe the burn.
Question of the day...What NEW mischief is Miss Scott pursuing this week? :)
Kelly -- (laughing) At the moment, mischief is the farthest thing from my mind. I was too keyed up last night to sleep properly, and today I feel a bit like a zombie. A happy one, though.
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