OK, without going into an abundance of detail, let's just say this past weekend sucked eggs. Saturday was a whole lot of stress and aggravation and heat and traffic, culminating in a horrible fight between John and me. In the car, on the freeway. Fortunately, I'm sane enough to keep my head while behind the wheel and I didn't crash us into a divider (or another car). But it was highly unpleasant. Many apologies (both of ours) and a million tears (mine) later, we are OK. But it left me feeling shell-shocked, fatigued and tense. I hate fighting. I hate confrontation. And I go into emotional overload.
So I was more than ready for ST today, and guess what? He was more than willing to help me with my stress problem. Whatta guy, huh? So, to the tune of the Rolling Stones' "Mother's Little Helper" (embedded below), I have penned "Stress Releasing Helper."
What a drag it is, being stressed
Life is oh-so-hard today,
I hear every bottom say,
Baby needs something today to calm her down
And though she’s not really ill
When she’s acting like a pill
She goes running for the shelter
Of her Stress Releasing Helper
And he puts her OTK
Spanks her till she feels okay
Feeling like a shrew today
I hear every bottom say,
She just can’t stop acting out, it’s such a drag
So she eats a frozen cake
Till she gets a stomach ache
And goes running for the shelter
Of her Stress Releasing Helper
And he knows just what to do
Spanks her bottom black and blue
Spanker please, lots more of these,
I’m still not sane, I need more pain!
What a drag it is, being stressed
Jobs are such a bitch today,
I hear every bottom say,
Bosses think you’re there to work, how fucked is that?
Now they want her to stay late,
She says “NO, I’ve got a date!”
And goes running for the shelter
Of her Stress Releasing Helper
She forgets about the rut
While he’s whaling on her butt
Spanker please, I’m o’er your knees
I’m full of steam, please make me scream!
What a drag it is, being stressed
Life will piss you off today
I hear every bottom say
Plain vanilla every day is just a bore
It’s a spanking that she’ll need
Not the pills and not the weed
She goes running for the shelter
Of her Stress Releasing Helper
He will spank her backside bright
And she’ll sleep in peace tonight
Feeling so much better. Thank you, darlin'. You're so much better than any drug (cuter, too). :-)
Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken kinkophile and unapologetic attention wh--, um, hog.

PLEASE NOTE: This blog contains adult subjects and content, and because of Google/Blogger's recent nonsense, I HAVE MOVED TO WORDPRESS. For my enlightened friends who wish to visit me in my new home, it's https://ericalscott.wordpress.com. Please bookmark it!
The rest of you? Please take your judge-y selves somewhere more wholesome, like here: www.wonderbread.com
Go on.... shoo!
The rest of you? Please take your judge-y selves somewhere more wholesome, like here: www.wonderbread.com
Go on.... shoo!
TERRIFIC parody!
ReplyDeleteIt's funny, I'd rather have confrontations with people I do NOT know than those I'm close to. I'm glad you and John made up.
Enjoy sitting today. :)
Erica, would you say celebrating along with the Rolling Stones, 50th Anniversary, your parody of one of their tunes. You had a 'spanking good time' relieving your 'stress'.
ReplyDeleteI believe every bottom can recognize her/his self in that song. Very funny. LMAO
ReplyDeleteI'm happy you and John made up. My best to both of you. :-)
Hi Erica -- I am VERY happy that you and John made up :-)I hate fighting too.I Love your song parody it was funny hehehe LOL and i can relate to it :-)YOU AND ST ROCK. I am happy you both had a great time.Much Love and hug's from your naughty girl Jade xoxo
ReplyDeleteLoved the parody, I can identify with it. :-)
ReplyDeleteBlame the %$#&@* heat for the arguement, when it is hot like it's been it doesn't take much.
Kelly -- when there's no emotion or caring invested, I can confront rather comfortably. But with a loved one? I can't stand it.
ReplyDeleteSix -- I'd forgotten about their 50th anniversary. Guess this was quite fitting, then!
Nathalie -- so glad you liked it. :-)
Jade -- ST rocks, yes. Me, I rock the boat.
Kaki -- some people adapt to it better than others. For me, heat is conducive to temporary insanity.
I have actually never heard that song before, but now I'll never hear it the same again anyway. Lol. Great parody! I love the stress relieving helpers! Hoping to get a second dose of stress relief this week myself. Glad ST was there to help you out!
ReplyDeleteLea -- isn't that a great song? It's an oldie, but pretty classic, so I figured most would know it. :-)
ReplyDeleteHaha! This was great. I had no idea you were a lyricist, Erica. I'd love to compose the music half of a song your wrote. That would be so much fun :D like Prefectdt and I did - http://spankedhortic.wordpress.com/2012/06/19/it-got-set-to-music/
ReplyDeleteI understand what you mean about hating confrontation with loved ones. I'm definitely a man of peace and harmony and it's really stressful and jarring to argue with anyone, especially those who are closest. I'm glad you got it worked out :-)
Best Regards,
Still reading you book Erica and did not beat anyone over the head with it. Your blog brought the tears to my eyes.Take good care of yourself xx
ReplyDeleteGod, I feel old. Lea never heard this song! Can there be others like her out there?
ReplyDeleteOnce again you've completely destroyed any chance I'll have of hearing that classic any way but Erica's way. Ok, you probably improved it. Still think you're a menace to the music industry.
ReplyDeleteBut don't stop rockin on :)
Quai -- well, I wouldn't call myself a lyricist. More of a parodist. Some songs simply cry out for spanko interpretations; I've done a few of them. :-) (A personal favorite: morphing Gene Pitney's "Town Without Pity" into "Tops Without Pity.")
ReplyDeleteMargita -- oh, good. (whew) :-) I will always try to take good care of myself; you do the same.
Kaki -- you and me both. (sigh)
Emen -- some say I'm a menace, period. :-D
Weird Al's got nothing on you! BTW, that last pic is dangerously close to a gyno shot.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous -- you think? Nahhh. You should have seen the other ones I deleted. ;-)
ReplyDeleteThat was terrific. I like a good song parody; you did a great job -- kept enough of the original; picked a recognizable song; stuck to the rhythm...
ReplyDeleteSorry you were stressed out, though. I do agree, spankings can help a lot.
Sandy -- thanks! I'm really fussy about parodies; I insist on matching the syllables and word stresses and so forth.