What a fun treat -- came home from John's this evening and discovered that I was included in a special Christmas Chross list. I thought he had skipped the Spankings of the Week this week, due to the holidays. :-D Always makes me happy to be in that illustrious list! I see, besides many of the usual great choices, two of my dearest buddies were highlighted as well -- Zelle and Wolfie -- for what I believe is their first time! Congratulations to all.
So, how was everyone's Christmas? What'd you do? John and I had a lovely and peaceful time. Friday night it was just us; we went out for sushi, then came home, lit a fire and watched It's a Wonderful Life. Saturday, we lounged and lolled around in bed until after noon. Nothing was open, so I'd brought soup and rolls to have for lunch, which we enjoyed with Christmas-y jazz playing in the background. Later that day, we went to his sister's for dinner. It was just family this time, no big wild crowd, and it was actually quite nice, just 13 of us. We had Cornish hens and braised rabbit for dinner, with salad and vegetables and mashed potatoes. Normally I'm a bit squeamish about the idea of eating Thumper, but I have to say the rabbit was incredibly good. I even had a glass of champagne, and John made fun of me because my face was flushed and I was giggling at everything. I'm such a lightweight!
We came home around 9:00 (it was pouring rain), lit the fire again, made tea and watched a Marx Brothers movie. I'd treated myself to a boxed set of their first five flicks -- love those guys! We didn't do much in the way of presents this year, due to John's illness... far too preoccupied for that. I'd noticed, when I cleaned his house that one time, that his vacuum cleaner was broken, so I bought him a cordless hand vacuum cleaner, the best one I could find. Not a very romantic gift, but practical, and something he'd never buy for himself. Plus chocolate, of course. He gave me a gift card from Kohl's, so I can buy some new clothes. And today when we were at brunch, I noticed there was a small wad of cash in my wallet that hadn't been there before. "Sweetie," I said, "where did this money come from?"
He just looked, shrugged and said, "Guess Santa thought you were extra good this year."
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See? SEE? I was good, dammit! New Guy lied when he said Santa was mad at me! Hummmmmpppph. Boy, is he getting a piece of my mind tomorrow.
I have a question for the blog experts out there. One of my readers wrote to me and said she thought she might be getting viruses off my blog! She wanted to give me a heads-up, saying that whenever she came on to read, her virus protection would catch something new. Also, it was happening when she went to Pixie's blog. I've also heard from her and others that people were getting viruses and various warnings when they went to the Spanking Spot.
What could this be? How does one's blog get infected by a virus? I mean, I've run all my programs and come up with nothing; I have no infections. If one's blog is transmitting a bug somehow, how does one stop it? And how do you know if it's really happening in the first place? I mean, if my blog had a bug, wouldn't it pass it on to everyone who comes on it? (According to my reader, it happens immediately.) And regarding Spanking Spot, I've gone on there many times to check on my blog votes, and haven't caught a thing. So what could be going on? Any clues? Anyone else having a bug problem with my blog? Or is it just a coincidence, something with Blogger and not with me, a browser issue, what? Blech.
Oh well. Not going to fret over it tonight; I feel too good. :-) Hope everyone had a very special holiday!
Ruminations, opinionated observations, darkly humorous blathering and the occasional rant from an outspoken kinkophile and unapologetic attention wh--, um, hog.

PLEASE NOTE: This blog contains adult subjects and content, and because of Google/Blogger's recent nonsense, I HAVE MOVED TO WORDPRESS. For my enlightened friends who wish to visit me in my new home, it's https://ericalscott.wordpress.com. Please bookmark it!
The rest of you? Please take your judge-y selves somewhere more wholesome, like here: www.wonderbread.com
Go on.... shoo!
The rest of you? Please take your judge-y selves somewhere more wholesome, like here: www.wonderbread.com
Go on.... shoo!
Hey Erica! Ya know.. I'm really happy to read that you and John had some lovely down time.. (no pun intended there of course. LOL) But reading what you wrote was such a breath of fresh air from all the two of you have gone through over the past several months.
ReplyDeleteYou were so "DUE" to get that 'flushed' from one glass of champagne look! The giggles too! The kind of weekend the two of you had is the kind I like to have. There's just nothing better than sharing the company of one you dearly care for.. and enjoying ever relaxed moment you have with each other. Dinner, a fire, and a movie .. what could be better than that? Nuttin' in my book! :-)
HOLY SMOKES! I cannot believe I got CHROSSED??!! WOW! Thank goodness you told me! I'm so far behind catching up with everything around here! CONGRATS TO YOU AND WOLFIE TOO! You guys are such fav's of mine.. that I am honored to be in the same CHROSSED company! (shocked I'm there actually! LOL)
My Christmas day was spent delivering homemade chocolate chip cookies and a few bottles of champagne for brunch mimosas. I've got a blog in the works about how that went with 'nilla' peeps. (winks!)
I'm so ready for the new year... (smiles)
Zelle -- yup, you sure did! Feels great, doesn't it? :-)
ReplyDeleteYes, we were due for a fun, peaceful weekend. He still itches and still sleeps on the couch. (sigh) But his spirits were good.
re: Chross--->I FREAKED! Whoa! How cool!
ReplyDeleteps.. you and John SO deserve a break! My god.. what an ordeal for you both. Wish there was a way for John to have some stress relief like you get with NG.. :-)
Just like Zelle said!!
ReplyDeleteThis was indeed a magical weekend for the two of you, better even than I hoped. It made me very happy to read!
Can't believe you actually watched "It's A Wonderful Life!" Holey Socks!! I had "Animal Crackers" on the other night, eating venison summer sausage I got as a gift! Sounds like between the two of us, we cleared out that Disney flick!!
Blog Bugs, I don't know about; my AVG has prevented many a problem, but I've never encountered anything here! There might be some tool setting or extra precaution your reader has in place?
Peace, joy, love, and hope... you and John certainly deserve every bit of that!
Hi Erica,
ReplyDeleteWe had family over on Christmas Eve, and the following day was just the two of us. I actually got a Christmas spanking! 'Nuff said; I will post details soon.
About that virus, a couple of blogs (Cutiepie and Cherry Red) got hacked a few weeks ago, and they were setting off alarm bells in my anti-virus software, but my blog was also giving off warnings to other readers, as was Heart and Soul. I pulled the offending blogs from my blogroll and all was well again. There wasn't anything else I could do about it. They fixed the problem at their end and are okay now.
I believe some other bloggers, like Bonnie, are still giving off warnings. I don't get the warnings, though, so maybe it is false positives in a certain type of security program.
Dirt Devil upright vacuums are convenient, effective, light and cheap!
Hello my Erica CONGRATS on being crossed again i am VERY proud of you LOL i am VERY HAPPY to hear that you and John had a wonderful xmas you both deserve that and more :-) i knew santa would bring you something nice, i been a VERY naughty girl this year and i got tons of AWESOME stuff, i think new guy just told you that santa wasn't giving you nothing, to scare you so you would be a good girl, looks like he got BUSTED instead of you hehehe, i dare you to be even more sassy with him tonight cause i sure would be but you don't need me to dare you cause i know you will be more bratty on your own hehehe. CONGRATS TO ZELLE AND WOLFIE LOL YOU BOTH ARE MY FAVES TOO :-) I LOVE YOU MY ERICA, Big Hugs from your naughty girl Jade XOXO PS I AM NOT HAVING ANY VIRUS TROUBLE WITH YOUR BLOG :-)
ReplyDeleteHi Erica,
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas and I'm glad John is getting better! Monday may be your favorite day, but Tuesday is getting to be mine once you post "new guy vids." I was going to ask what channel was showing spanking videos with your ass when you had the in stereo spanking butt decided against it since I'm part of the Comcast Empire. I am glad you and John have made the best of the Christmas season though :)
As far as virus alerts from either Pixie's or your blog? Nope...I used to get tracking cookies from other blogs (I no longer read them)...MacAfee identified as a Trojan but you and Pixie aren't sending out bad code...trust me I'm very fastidious about my computer and all that's on it.
Have a great day!
I don't think it's possible for a website to give a computer a virus. You would have to download something and from what I can see, your videos are played on the page, not downloaded as a file. All that being said, I'm sure some hacker has thought of some way to do it. Nonetheless, I haven't had any trouble with your website.
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays! Glad your Christmas was restful, enjoyable and with just the appropriate amount of surprises.
Dave -- Animal Crackers is next on my list; we watched Horse Feathers on Saturday. "Why don't you bore a hole in yourself and let the sap run out?" Yup, I admit to being a sucker for It's a Wonderful Life. It's pretty clever and complex for a Christmas movie.
ReplyDeleteHermione -- I have not gotten a warning from anyone else's blog, so far. Weird!
Jade -- Oh, he didn't say I wasn't getting anything, just that Santa said I was bad. Even bad girls get presents; I've learned that! :-D
Rob -- thanks! Good to know. As for movies, well, we just shoot once in a while. Maybe he'll give me a couple more clips from the Xmas video, if I ask him nicely. :-)
Craig -- hope you had a nice Christmas as well. Are you on a cinnamon roll hangover? :-)
Hello Erica. I have a spanking blog with online spanking video clips. I wonder if I have your permission to publish some of your video clips on my blog! (with a link to your blog, of course).
ReplyDeleteYou can respond at my mail.
From already thank you very much.
Happy New Year
Diego -- thank you for asking first! :-) As long as you give us proper credit and so forth, then yes, you are welcome to repost our clips.
ReplyDeletePeace at last for you guys! And I hope that continues for you in the new year.
ReplyDeleteI have no virus issues with your blog.
Kelly -- thanks, hon. Yeah, it was nice to laugh and relax!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a peaceful gathering! And naughty girls DO get things -- usually throbbing, swollen cheeks wrapped in red. Oh, good girls get those, too, so I hear. :)
ReplyDeleteD & I both got virus alerts on The Spanking Spot's page on Friday, which he fixed quickly. No alerts on your page, but it could have been as Hermione said, and his site's link here was setting off your reader's alarms.
My favorite gift (aside from D's gift which I'll write about)? A pair of boots. Big, ugly boots so I can blow snow and go sledding. It's all about practicality!
Congrats to you and Wolfie and Zelle on getting Chrossed! It's very well deserved!
pink -- Vat ees dees "good girl"? No comprendo.
ReplyDeleteOooh, I want to read about D's gift!
Hi Erica,
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you and John had a great time together and I am so happy for you. Both of you have been having such a hard time with John's illness and it is great to hear he is feeling better.
As for "It's a Wonderful Life," that was Jimmy Stewart's favorite movie of all that he made. I like it, too. Another one that is one of his good ones is "The FBI Story." And to think he had a stuttering problem! I think he was a great actor. To go from "Harvy" to "Verdigo" takes some good acting.
I hope this next year will be a great one for you and John and that you have fun with NG. So Happy New Year!
Bobbie Jo -- Jimmy Stewart was just so likable. I also enjoyed him in "Philadelphia Story," which had two more of my favorite actors as well -- Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the kind wishes! :-)